
Showing posts from August, 2018

Test 1 for Industrial Robotics

Today as being plan by our lecturer, we have to do a test 1. This test 1 is cover by the chapter 1 untill 4. Our lecturer is using visualizer to record the activity in the class. 

Robot End Effector

In this week we have learn about robot end effector. Its part of robot component and it have two types, gripper and tools. By using smartboard in TECC, our lecturer is explaining about the definition of end effector and types of end effector for industrial robotics. Video from youtube that taken direct from internet in pc are being shown to all of us for more detail of the process and real image the end effector. The lecture become more interesting by using the smartboard because the video and image can be zoom in and zoom out while the lecturer are explain the information. At the same time, we can write at the board to add the information given.

Types of motor and Kahoot!

Today we have learn about types of motor that been used as an actuator for the industrial robotics. Then to make it more interesting, our lecturer is doing the Kahoot! Quiz to ensure our understanding about this topic.

Robot Actuator

In this week we have learn about the actuator that have in an industrial robotics. We have been divided into three group which each group need to present their information about the topic given by lecturer. We are using each computer in this classroom to gain information related with the topic given.  Internet and psp wifi is use to find the information.  Some group using their own hand phone to find the information and make a slide. By using the smart board,  group 1 is present about the pneumatic system as an actuator for robotics.   Group 2 is present about the hydraulics system as an actuator for robotics.   lastly, group 3 is present about the electrical system as an actuator for robotics.